Saturday, November 14, 2009

Am I right? Or am I right? BOTH!

HI!!!! Thank you thankyou thankyou All for your letters, cards and "Dear Elder"s They really make the week so much better.

Let me se what happened this week that is praise worthy and of good report?... I GOT MY FLIGHT PLANS!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel! So I fly out on the 17th at 8:35am and get to orange county at 9:25ish. There is some sort of time zone thingy that makes the flight longer that it looks. BUT IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS IT"S PRACTICALLY HERE! ok scratch that put in end of mtc day and play it again.

The weather out here has taken a strange turn. intead of being colder than october it's gotten warmer. What happened to the snow?! (Where'd you put the electric blanket? -under the underwear. snow-snow-snow snow SN- Ok that was last weeks email enough white christmas references!)

Let's see what else what else... OH! Lizzy and katie if you are reading this you would be proud of me. This past week I borrowed the MTC Cello and figured out that awesome cello line for "Johnny has gone for a solider" You know that Da dum de dee-dum de die doo di dum Da Dum de dee-dum de die doo di dum Thingy that is rockin the song. Yeah... I felt pretty proud of my self.

Anyways... in other news, everything is fine. Learning lots and feeling a little more confident in the language. But I'm sure that when i get out there I will really start learning spanish.

I love you all and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

TTFN ta ta for now!

-Elder barker

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