Monday, December 21, 2009

"After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas..."

Tis the season to be jolly and joyious! FA-La-La!

hee hee hee.

Wow. Crazy week. I can hardly believe that Christmas is already here.

So this past week has been crazy fun rollercoaster of insanity! But thankfully a new week of pandemonium has begun.

The weather has decided to be kind to us this week. Ahhh.. Lovely walks in the park and sunny strolls down the lane. It was funny- the other day we were in the park and we saw this guy and we walked up to him and introduced ourselves as missionaries and he was like, "I'm sorry but I'm going for a run right now." And I was like, "Can we run with you?" And he was like," sure!" So we ran and talked with this guy. Fun stuff. He wasn't all that interested but we got some exercise out of it.

Man this week has been a crazy battle. Lot's of people who just wanted to bash. All I could say was, "I'm not here to bash with you. I'm just here to invite you to read and pray and find out for yourself if what I'm telling you and what you are reading is true." I think it's so funny that people have all of these assumptions about us and they don't really know because they've never taken the time to find out what we believe.

Oh well.

One of our investigators, Darla, Got baptized yesterday! It was so great. All week she was so excited and at the baptismal program she was just beaming. It has been really cool to see her progression and her enthusiasm about the gospel. It was a real battle for her to quit smoking but She DID IT! (if you can't tell I'm really excited) YAYAYAYAYAY! Cool stuff.

Um... what else... OH! Right! MOM DAD KJ MAREN! I will call you guys Christmas day at approximately 9:30am your time. Which means that it will be 6:30am my time, so if I'm a bit groggy please forgive me. But I'm sure that once I hear your voices I'll wake right up. OOOOOOOooooo I'm sooo excited! I can't wait to talk to you and tell you about all the fun things that are happening that i don't have time to write about.

Thank you all for your letters and cards and emails and packages! I truly appreciate all of your love and support. You are always in my thoughts.

Merry Christmas! I'm so happy to be a missionary at this time of my life, and at this time of year. What greater gift can I bring someone than the news that Christ Lives and that he personally directs his church today through a living prophet. I love this time of year. and i love you all.

I'll be home for christmas if only in my dreams. I miss you all. and i love you all. and I'll seee you all in less than two years! Hey where is the time going?

Cat chew later.

-Elder Barker

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