Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HEEEELLLLOOOO!!!! oh sorry deary I must look like a yeti in this face mask.

So! How did it go?
-I think she took it rather well. ;)

Wow what a week. I think that the holidays are going to kill me. Nobody was home all week. It's like it's thanksgiving weekend or something. Shiesh. Anywho... It was a long week of knocking on doors and nobody being there. But the miracle of it was that sometimes when we'd go try to find someone who had talked with the missionaries in the past and see how they are doing, we'd run into someone else who wants to hear more. Cool stuff.

Wow, mom. I'm so sorry that you've been ill. It's no fun being the director from the sick bed, in the best christmas pagent ever.

Hoorray! for Dan! He's home safe and sound and it feels like he left only yesterday. fun stuff.

I haven't recieved any thing from BYU-I yet. (o_0) I hope I get to go back...

Mi companero es muy asombros! And as far a food goes, Mother, you need not worry. The branch is crazy about feeding us. we have meals every night. most nights. ok once a week. alright we don't even have dinner. We're starving! I'm wasting a way with no room to play. I'm stuck in a zoo With- well you know the rest of the story. JUST KIDDING! I'm getting lots of food. Perhaps too much... Oh well.

our apartment is right next to the train tracks so that's always fun to hear the whistle go off at 10:45pm. Ha ha. I feel a little like Jake and Elwood- except we have a lot more room. We have a couch and one of those awsome velvity chairs with those metal tack thingys that I love that go up and around the front of the arm rests. AND we just got the gas turned on so we can cook! Hurray!

as far as the work goes: It is work. I am exausted everyday. But yesterday we had a miricle. This new guy just showed up at church and was really excited about learning more and he is just awsome! I mean it's his first day at church and he was activly participating in sunday school! CRAZY!!! So we're hoping that he will progress. That's was so cool. So more updates on him later.

Other than that. THANKSGIVING was great! We ate with the branch presiddent and his family. SO funny! Oh man. And the food was so good! Not as good as you make mom but mmmm still good.

OH! Dad! I have a makeup book somewere in the madness that is my room that you should look at! It might bee with my school stuff or on the book shelf or in the vortex of doom under my bed or Heaven forbid in the closet. BUT! It would have info for ya. and if you can find my make up folder it has tips on how to do facial hair. and on the book shelf is my make up kit. SO Have at it! It's there to be used! I know it'll turn out great!

Um.... let's see what else. Oh funny thing for the week. We knocked on this house and this guy comes out. "Hey-y-y-y..." Hi we're missionaries, have you ever talked with missionaries before? "Um... I don't know maybe." Cool, Well I'm elder barker and this is my companion elder Summers. Good to meet you. "Yeah same." Well, as missionaries what we do is we go around seeing if there's anything we can do tohelp people out and maybe share a message about christ too. "Who do you guys work for?" Um... God. "Whoa that's tight man." Yeah it is. "Hey I'd love to talk more But I'm stoned out of my mind right now and I'm just gona chill in my house for a while. But Good luck to ya!" ha ha ok. Thanks.

Maybe you had to be there...

Any ways. Thank you for you letters and DAD thank you for that picture and the story. I had forgoton about that them. Great stuff. thank you thank you thank you. My companion says that I look just like you Dad. I was like. Yeah we do. (Oh am I mistaken or have I seen that suit that you are wearing in the picture before?)

Kj- Keep on keeping on! I love your guts! I love hearing from you ya know. OH! I got a christmas cd an it has that one song that's like Dum dee diddle de dum Isabella. ya know? And there's another song on it that is... Oh I can't remember what it is right now. But I keeps reminding me of our christmas parties! Ha ha. Fun times great oldies. I love you! I miss you piggy. It's MY PILLOW! Dunnie...

Mom- I hope you feel better. And I hope the show goes well. and I hope the chickens start laying again. That post fox atack scare can last for a while.

Dad- I hope you can find the make up stuff. And I Love hearing from you. Do you realize what an example you are in my life? You are a giant. I love you so much.

Maren- Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!! i love you!

Abby- Stop running away! You have to stay home. You can't pull a homeward bound and come out here with me. (although that would be rocking cool!)

Em- Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh chinese people and that fun language barrier. Wow. That's all I can say wow.

Grand-ma-ma- I love you!

Grand ma and Grand pa- I love you!

Amanda- You rock my socks!

Everyone else that I don'tt have time to comment on individualy- YOU ARE AWSOME! I love you all and I think about you often.

Well. Further up and further in!

Keep your stick on the ice. Remeber I'm pulling for ya.

-Elder Barker

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