Monday April 12, 2010
This week was "pretty blooty good." (Did you get the referrence? Kj? anyone? I hope so.) [ It's from "Watership Down" btw-Kj]
What a awesome Spiritual High. So last weekend with general conference, and then Wed. we had interviews with President. I seriously love that man! He always has the right words and good spirit. Great man. And then we taught that amazing teenage girl I think I wrote about a few weeks ago. It's been a while since we were able to teach her, and even this last time we were only able to talk a little bit and share about how when we have a question we can answer it through applying the Book of Mormon to our lives.
She was having trouble knowing how to trust a friend who she and her friends had forgiven for stupid things before and he kept repeating the same things, so we had her read about how the lord forgives as many times as the people repent with real intent. and she was like, "OH I get it! So when we really mean it then we are really repenting and we get forgiveness, and when he really means it and truly stops doing stupid things then we can trust him again." awesome!
-Oh and then some dude pulled over and flagged us down and wanted us to answer all of his rapid fire questions about all of this crazy stuff. It was crazy! He wouldn't even let us try to answer his questions because then he'd fire in another one on top of that one. HOLD ON DUDE! Let me address your question. What ever. People are NUTS out here. Maybe everywhere people are nuts- but it's especially apparent here.
Then on Thursday we had exchanges and I got to meet a bunch of fun characters in Elder Oliphant's area. Sooooo fun! So, we stopped by this 101 year old lady and MAN she was so cool! She had these BEAUtiFUL paintings on the wall and she was like Do you like my paintings and i was like yeah, and she was like I did them. WOW! amazing! And she was just so sweet. a true example of enduring to the end in faith. She was great.
And I finished my first Journal! WOOOT I don't think I've ever done that before! oh wait... yes I have. BUT this one was a consistent journal not a journal of scattered consistency. So I'm well pleased with myself. and I have started on the second plates of Barker.
Friday we had a couple lessons with some people. A couple less actives. Man they really are difficult to work with. It's like they don't want to progress. They want to hold themselves back from receiving blessings and added guidance in their lives. Ok go for it! I can't force you, even God won't force you, all he can do is invite.
Saturday was interesting we had a couple investigators drop us. Oy... and we had a door contact with one of our investigators and taught her about the word of wisdom. And we invited her to church. She said she'd "try" to get to church and "try" to stop he word of wisdom issue. So we pointed out to her that "I'll try" means I'm not going to do it. She wanted to convince us otherwise, but Sunday rolled around and what do you know- She didn't make it. "Do, or Do Not- there is no Try."
Oh this one guy pulled a, "What are your names? Oh I just want to write them down so that we can pray for you so that some day you will find that Jesus is your personal lord and saviour." DUDE! We already believe in Jesus! And we Already know that! Come on! We tried to explain that to him but he wouldn't listen. Man. when people say that we're not christian It really makes me upset. Arrrrrgh! ok.... I'm over it.
SUNDAY we had an investigator at church! WOOO HOOOO!!! that hasn't happened for at least 7 weeks! Wow- that awesome teenage girl came with her less active grandmother. How about that?! Great stuff. And the sisters in our district had a baptism and it was sooooooooo great! The lady was just so excited to be baptized and she was all aglow and clapping her hands with joy and amazing.
Funny character: return missionary at the baptism, "So, I just got back from my mission in Mexico. we had a theme 'dos por dios' that means 'two for God' and our goal was to have two people baptized every week. and I finished off my mission as an assistant to the president, and we were the highest baptizing mission in Mexico and I'm better than you'll ever be and you all are lame and I"M big and you're small I'm right you're wrong and Smart and you're dumb and there's nothing you can do about it!" ... ok maybe I exaggerated a bit, but Dude! Work on being a little humble. what ever...

SO! Thank you soooooooo much for your emails and letters and love and support! I love you all soooo much!
Oh next week P-day will be on Tuesday so, mother dear do not worry about not hearing from me next Monday, all is well.
It's so interesting, every time we testify and invite people to act and to move forward in the gospel, I feel more and more converted to the gospel. I love it! It's great!
I love hearing from you!!!
Be well!
catch you on the flip side laters!
-Elder barker