TUESDAY, April 6th, 2010
Sorry bout that mum. P-Day got switched up on us this week at the last second. No joke. 10:29:59 PM we got a call from the Zone leaders telling us that instead of having Pday on Monday we would be switching to Tuesday this week so we could attend the Temple. YAY! Temple! It was such a good session. I'm telling you. I learn new things every time! I just wish that I had the schedule to go weekly. Oh well, that'll just have to wait for the future!
Sorry bout that mum. P-Day got switched up on us this week at the last second. No joke. 10:29:59 PM we got a call from the Zone leaders telling us that instead of having Pday on Monday we would be switching to Tuesday this week so we could attend the Temple. YAY! Temple! It was such a good session. I'm telling you. I learn new things every time! I just wish that I had the schedule to go weekly. Oh well, that'll just have to wait for the future!
Anyways. Guess what?! Easter Sunday WE HAD CONFERENCE!!!! Ok... yes I know you knew that but What made it especially cool was, Hmm.... I think it was Elder Cook who talked about how we don't know exactly when the Saviour will come again but that earthquakes and the sea over stepping it's bounds are signs; well, after conference, WE HAD AN EARTHQUAKE!!!! BA HA HA HA! And I was awake for this one! :) It was pretty cool. And the epicenter was so far away that all it did was shake things up but WOW! it was cool. It was like being on a boat but then looking around and seeing that you are inside. It made me miss being out on the water. Oh well, that'll just have to wait for the future! (wait a second... that phrase sounds familiar... I should stop repeating my self. Oh well that'll just have to wait for the future!
SO! let me see what else happened this week. Well it was a week where I was well fed spiritually. Wed. Zone conference. Sat + Sun General conference. Today the temple! WOW can life get any better? I submit that it cannot!
Hmmm... (I'm looking over my journal for the past week) OH! wow.. that was this past week wasn't it? yes yes it was. Ok so the 30th we did some tracting and we decided to go back and visit this one lady that we had met a couple weeks ago. So we biked up to her trailer and looked for the door... and we looked some more... and- we couldn't find it. Seriously. You know that criss crossy thing that trailer people use for the skirting stuff around the bottom? Well she had that up over the windows and the doors and everything. Talk about barricading yourself in. So we kocked on the wall. and Gene (that's her name) popped her little face out through the curtains behind this crisscross skirting thing. and so we chatted for a bit and then we asked if we could talk more. she said, "Well, right nows not a good time, You see I'm doing my laundry and I'm kind of busy right now, But if you have any literature you see that mail box behind you? Get the mail out and roll it up and pass it through to me and you can put your stuff in there too." Um ok... so there we were. Two missionaries rolling up junk mail and passing it through these little holes in the wall of this trailer to this woman, and that's not the end of the joke. as I got closer I could see her a little bit better through the skirting and the curatin. and from what I could see- she was naked as the day she was born. I guess when she said she was doing her laundry she meant it. So... that was a crazy experience that I thought you might enjoy.
So, for April fools the only joke we got was that all of our set appointments with people turned out to not happen. Ha ha! What a great joke to play on the missionaries!
Wasn't general conference wonderful? I loved it! I'm just in awe of the blessing it is to have a modern day prophet and apostles who receive revelation for the world. HOW AWESOME! and the best part is that I don't have to believe what they say just because they said it. I can receive personal revelation when I ask God if what they are saying is true. AWESOME!
Easter was lovely. Isn't it great to have a holiday set aside to remember that Jesus is ALIVE. He is risen! What a wonderful time of year. It made me wonder, you know how we say, "I want to have the spirit of Christmas with me throughout the year." Well I love that the sacrament allows us to have the spirit of Easter-Christmas-life-joy-love with us all year through.
Jesus Lives! The Scriptures are true! The heavens are open and I'm so grateful to be able to represent Jesus Christ in this corner of the world. Hurrah for Israel!
Further up and further in!
I love you all! Thank you ever so much for your emails and letters and Love and all that good stuff!
Be well.
catch you sooner than later!
-Elder Barker
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