Monday, May 9, 2011

Didn't I just read the one he sent last Thursday?

(Yes, but it wasn't my idea to have Preparation day so close together).
SO! Happy Post Mother's Day! I hope your weekend was good. Mine was.
Thursday we went to the temple. Oh how I love the temple! I seriously could spend a whole day there. I wish I could. I'll just put that in my "things to do when I have time again" list. And then in the evening we taught English class. Fun fun. one of the students explained why Cinco de Mayo is so cool. And I didn't know that it wasn't Mexico's Independence day (shows how much I know): It is a celebration of a battle won by Mexico with the help of a Texan captain/general/leader dude. hmm.. cool.
Friday was lots of planning and then people weren't home so we had dinner at this Mother's Day activity. AND this one family that we invited to come actually showed up! Huzzah! So that made the day.
Saturday we had a couple great meetings. We met with a family that we had been trying to teach for a while who has a son who just got baptized in another ward and it was AWESOME! They were feeling the spirit so strong. And they understood everything that we shared with them and they have great desires to learn more! Hooray! I love LOVE Love it when people actually have a desire to learn! Spiritual progression is hard to motivate when one doesn't wish to me motivated. And then in the evening we met a family who has some good potential. So is was a good day.
Sunday was church and I called home! YAY! I love calling home! Good to hear your smiling voices.
And now it's today!
I love you so much! have a wonderful funderful week!
Thanks for everything.
Hurrah for Israel!!!
-Elder Barker

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