Saturday, September 26, 2009

One Week!

Wow. A whole week has already gone by. But the strange thing is that although it feels like if flew by, it feels like a month went by in the same amount of time as fast week... if that makes any sense.

Thank you to all of you who sent me emails! I will try to respond to you personally but I might run out of time.

Well the update for this week is that I'm Still Sick! YAY! I just can't shake this cough. (Hack weeze Blech...) And I'm doing the work. I'm taking the meds I'm not a slacker. Gimme gimme gimme I need I need I need Gimme gimme gimee I need I need Gimme gimme Gimme I need... But I feel good I feel great I feel wonderful.

Oh it was so funny. Yesterday Elder Lim FINALLY took some medicine for his cough and well... He's not used to meds and the doctor gave him really stong stuff. It was so funny. He was like, "Whoa... there are so many bubbles in this bottle. Wooo... Hey this is good stuff. Has it been four hours yet? I want to take some more." ha ha ha! Wow.

The Spanish is coming along and I'm starting to get the lessons under my belt. We have practice sessions and the last one that we did went really well. Before we taught we went over how to best form a lesson plan and It was great to see how fexible the lesson could go. Sorry that was really poor english. But I have to write quickly.

so... Um things are good. Noah made it in and looks well. I guess. I only saw him for a short amount to time during dinner. And it was his first day... so... Who knows really?

I don't know what to tell you... The days are all turning into a blur and I feel like I haven't got any sleep for three months. But it's great! If it wasn't great I wouldn't be doing it.

Mucho gozo y felicidad.

-Elder Barker.