I love Mondays. So good to hear from you all. Things sound like they are quite mad but Insanity is just the spice that makes life FUN! 
So! Ahhh the week was so fun. First of all last Monday we had dinner with this fun family and their son who is like... 40's I'm not sure about age But! We gabbed all evening about Theater stuff- because when he was younger he was an aspiring thespian. SO fun! and he just HAD to pull out is Ben-nye [make-up] kit and show it off and he just HAD to pull out his prized hat collection and show them off. It was such fun! Oh the theatah the theatah What's happened to the theatah?
Then on Tuesday we stopped in to say Hi to a lady on our ward, and she invited us in and gave us delicious zucchini bread and we chatted about Hawaii, and it was such fun. OH that's right! While I'm on this food kick thing, I made a delicious Banana cream pie with berries and good stuff. It apparently was a hit. I only had one piece . my companion took care of the rest. ;)
Then on Wed I was on exchanges and the people I met... goodness.... NUTS! ALL of them are NUTS! Like I was laughing my head off nuts. But I digress. So we taught this one guy who lives in this halfway house thingy that should seriously be in a horror movie. The thin hallways- Welcome to the hotel California playing in the back ground- crazy people looking at you through the corner of their eyes-don't want to be here past dark kind of place. ha ha! I love it!
OH and we met a few people with trach (sp?) tubes. Eugh... Or at least there used to be tubes there. Now they are just those gaping holes that pulsate and it's so hard to look away and it obvious that you are staring but you can't stop staring because of the gravitational pull of the void and then you realize how weird it would be to have a hole in your neck and your neck starts tingling and you find yourself covering your neck right where their hole is on their neck and then you run away screaming and shouting "You can't have my neck!" ..... okay .... maybe not that dramatic....but It was a little creepy.
Ha ha! So on Saturday we called the phone number of Bret (big guy who just got baptized) And this Vietnamese guy picks up "Ahh... Bre-na-heah! bac-ah-six!" And when we went over at 1:00 anyways, Bret was there! Ha silly Vietnamese guy. Tricks are for kids.
OH! We saw the craziest person on Saturday! She reminded me of that scene that Mae did in acting class. the one of the homeless lady who was swearing up a storm and just wanted to drink her pelagrino in peace. Well this gal wasn't swearing up a storm she was just Singing up a storm. Very badly by the way. And she would get up from her table and dance and then she'd sit back down and go back to singing, "Boom-boom-boom! alay-alay-alay!" Ok... then she went outside for a smoke and was tramping around like she was on parade and then she'd burst into these Charlie's angels/CATs poses and point her fingers at people and go "Bang-bang-bang-bang!!!" coo-coo. ha ha. Oh the people we meet.
So... that was my week. I'm so glad to hear that you are all well, and ALIVE! and all that fun stuff. Keep on keeping on.
Amanda: thanks for the package
kj: I swear By the moon and the stars in the sky- that you are bonkers.
Everybody else: Letters soon!
I love you all!
Be well
-Elder Barker 
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