Goodness what a week. I don't know where to begin.
First of all, THANK YOU ALL for your well wishes and letters and emails! I LOVEthem. Like 

So! Oh, I don't remember if i told you last time, but we played Ultimate Frisbee for our district activity. I was sweating so bad. And then I remembered that it's Feb! AH HA HA HA HA HA! I'm sweating IN FEB!!!!!!!
Sorry.... I couldn't help my self from RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACES!!! AHA HA HAH AH A HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Ahem... sorry 'bout that.. where was I?...
Oh yes the week! So we have been super blessed this week. We had Zone conference and it was AMAZING!!!
So first we were supposed to have it on Wednesday, but Wednesday morning, the zone leaders called up and said, "Nope! just kidding! We are having it tomorrow--on Thursday!" Craaaaapppp that meant that we had a Huge gap of time that we had to fill up with knocking or maybe finding people and all of that stuff. Oy... our less active members are driving me up a wall. They are so far gone that most of them don't even believe in God anymore! Oy! Guys! Come on! and we had a really rough day, we got kicked out of an area that we were just about to knock and we got bashed with by this old woman from Poland and Crazy stuff. Then came the sunshine for the day. We taught a less active member and she has a daughter, Laura,who is the sweetest girl that I've seen for a while now. She's the kind of girl that when you look in into her eyes you know she's pure. She has some mental issues and can't really communicate, and she's a paraplegic (sp?) Oh how i miss my sister! MAREN! WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU!!!! But Laura is so sweet and we arranged for the youth in the ward to come over during our lesson and introduce themselves to her and she just screamed with joy and loved getting hugs and just beamed with joy and blew kisses and signed that she loved us. Wow... I love my work.
AND THEN! if that wasn't enough of a cherry on top we had zone conference! and then if that wasn't the whipped cream on top of the cherry on top, we had a lesson with this woman who is married to a recent convert and she was amazing. She really understood the lesson and was prepared to hear and when we read over Moroni 10:4 "and when ye shall receive these things I would exhort you that ye would ask God the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost." She only got as far as 'having faith' Before she started crying and said, "This is what I've wanted. This is what I've been searching for all along." Wow... That was amazing.
Then the sprinkles on top of the whipped cream on top of the cherry on top: the next day we were knocking and we went back to a family that said come back tomorrow, and we went on and taught a lesson and they want to hear more and come to church! Whoa! Awesome things are happening right now. I'm just glad I'm here to see it.
Well, one of the people who was baptized last week wasn't at church yesterday , so we'll have to confirm him a member next time. Oh well.
Well it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. A beautiful day for a neighbor. Won't you be my neighbor? NEIGHBOR!
Have you seen Mister mumbles? HA!
I'm going mad- if you couldn't tell.
Well, thanks all for your Valentines and goodies! I love them.
109- Thanks for the canteen with the notes, they really help.
Em-Thank you soooooooooooo much for the tape! I love It!
Mom! Thanks for the Box and letters!
Dad- Thank you for your letters I LOVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH!
Everybody else GET ON THE BALL! Just kidding.
Everybody else Thank you so much for your letters and cards and emails and love and prayers and good thoughts. I need all the help I can get.
Much love,
Elder Barker
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