What an area! I'm loving being on bike! My legs on the other hand... aren't really too thrilled about the whole set up BUT who cares about legs right? Who needs them anyways?
Well as a welcome present from the Gods of weather they provided me with a SOAKING Tuesday!
I have pictures to prove it. It was hilarious, just when you thought the rain couldn't get any harder It would pound down and by the time we raced back to our apartment My shoes we like two buckets of water tied to my feet. They still weren't dry the next day. Ha! I Loved it though! I was singing and dancing and biking -in the rain, do-da-do-dooo-doodle-do-da-do- dooo doddle-dooooooo.
Let's see what else is new?... It's weird feeling like I'm not actually in California anymore. SO many Vietnamese people and signs and stores and this past week of Chinese new year- so many fire crackers. It's been so fun.
Oh, I'm writing about this in letters- BUT I almost got run over by a car!
My bike tire (Hmmmm.... maybe I shouldn't share this story with a worrying mother on the other side... NAH!) So my bike tire got caught in a rut and I tried to avoid getting stuck and the whole gravity thing knocked me over and I feel into ONCOMMING TRAFICC!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!! And this car was like
coming and it's wheels were like right there and my head was like right where 'there' was going to be in a second and I pulled a cat like reflex-matrix-crouching tiger hidden dragon Roll and, Short story Long, I still have my head on my shoulders. But it was almost like a scene from Master and Margarita.
We had two baptisms this Sunday! Wooo hoo!!! This one girl who has been investigating the church for some time and then realized that she wanted to be baptized, so the missionaries have been teaching her and I taught her a bit this week and she just got baptized this Sunday! YAY! and the other one was this guy who is about the sweetest guy you could ever want to meet and he just sort of started coming to church and then three weeks later asked the missionaries how he could get baptized. So they taught him and I got to teach him once on Saturday and then Assist in his baptism, because he's a bigger guy and has knee problems so he needed a little extra help getting up out of the water. But after the pulling and shoving,and struggling, we got him up and he said, "Hey! that was easier than I thought it would be!!" Ha! so funny.
We share our church building with a Samoan Ward. OHHHHH ma-ma. How I wish that I could speak da kin' and not be sucha haole. But alas, it is not so.... But! it was sop funny, because one of the Samoans in our ward was like, "after the baptism we'll be providing a few light refreshments." Oh ok some veggies and cookies right? WRONG! light in Samoan apparently means plates of sandwiches, platters of fruit, tones of veggies, chips Cakes, cookies, desserts etc. HA! I love it!
We are working with a lot of less actives in our area. So it's mostly trying to get them excited about coming to church again, and re-kindling (sp?) their testimonies. It's tough stuff. but it has taught me something: I never want to be less active. EVER! goodness the sadness that these people feel is just -ugh- gut wrenching. and it drives me bonkers! SO! that's not on my to-do list for the future.
The best thing over the week has been Seeing somebody look at me biking past with a big smile on my face, and seeing them smile back. That... is ;)
Ok... That's all for now. More in letters. Oh, and A few of the letters should be good ones so- be ready.
109 thank you for the package, and the SHIRT! MUPPETS! ah ha ha ha! I love you all.
Em, thanks for the card and tape, Haven't listened to it yet, but I'm super excited.
Empathy Girl, thanks for the letters!
Kj: I love your guts more than I love corndogs, and that is saying something.
Mom: I love you sooo much! I'm glad you had fun in NY!
Dad: You are the bestest ever! I can't wait to see pictures of your adventures!
Everybody else: If I had time to list you all I would But I don't.... So Thank you sooo much for all you your love and support and letters and stuff. I love you all!
Be well.
-Elder barker
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