Friday, October 16, 2009

One midnight gone! One midnight gone!

"Into the woods and out of the woods and home before- THERE ARE GIANTS IN THE SKY!!! booooom There are big tall terrible Giants in the Sky!" Booooom! do de diddle deedle doodle Do de Diddle deedle doodle When your-..."
Ok that's enough of that.

y ahor por algo absolutamente diferente!

Wow. One month down. Feels like a week and a half. I'm telling you guys time works differently in the MTC. The days are so long but theres not enough time to study all that you want. The weeks are short but they take for ever to finish. and the months... well they're shorter than the weeks! Crazy stuff.

We had David F. Evans talk to us in our Tuesday devotional and he was amazing. They are usually an hour long. Yeah, he talked for an hour and a half. It was so intence. I took so many notes. The biggest thing that he talked about was the amazing Power that the Book of Mormon has to touch lives. Everyone can relate to the story of Nephi and his family. Everyone can see and learn from how Lehi and Sariah comforted eachother instead of turned to bickering in times of trouble in their marriage. Nephi forgave his brothers intead of holding their faults against them and turning sour. It's so good!

One thing that I love about being here in the MTC is the time that I have to study the scriptures. Right now I'm in Alma in the Book of Mormon and in 1 Samuel in the Old Testement. I love reading and applying the scriptures to my life. I would urge you to read them together and by yourself. I've had great experiences learning things I've never seen before in verses that I've read all multiple times.

SO THE GANG IS ALL HERE!!!! Woooot! I see Elder (Noah) Davis everywhere and I've seen Elder (Steven) Davis [both cousins] a couple times when our meal times overlap. It's so cool to see them and know that we are all doing the same thing. Yay! Life is good!

Um... Elder Lim and I are teaching in Spanish Left and right. It's so crazy! Gahhh!!! So our district had a goal of speaking only in spanish on monday and wendsday, so Elder Lim and I decided to up it up and personally add Saturday as well. Well, Our teacher said she wants us all to speak on sat too, So we had to include tuesdays. Then She said Tuesdays as well So now we upped it to thursdays as well. So the only days that Elder Lim and I are''t speaking spanish are Sunday and friday! GAAAAHHH!!! Goodbye English.... Farewell... sniff. sniff...

Well... That's all for this week.

Rember, keep your stick on the ice.


-Elder Barker