Thursday, September 9, 2010

August 16th - Ahem...

What a great week!
In the mission we had a four day long meeting about how we can be more effective missionaries! man it was good. So much to learn! and so much to teach. It was a meeting with the leaders and the trainers and so now our job is to relate it to the rest of the missionaries. Man it was good though.
President Watrous taught us the new simplified curriculum for the MTC and it's amazing. It focuses on the doctrine of Christ (Repentance and baptism) The role of the Holy Ghost in conversion, Revelation through prayer; through the Book of Mormon; and through church attendance, Focusing on teaching people not lessons, The importance of commitments and How to begin teaching. MAN It was a feast of knowledge and spiritual food. Yum!
But because we had that big amazing meeting all week there wasn't much time for teaching and stuff.
We had a couple opportunities to meet with some less active members and strengthen them, and those went really well.
Let me see what to report... I'm not sure.
I don't know what the deal was with some of our investigators. Every appointment they were either sick, asleep, in the shower, or gone. So... Unfortunately none of them made it to church this week. But after church we stopped by Joe Leocadio's and talked and ended up playing guitar a little bit and we'll be meeting up tonight so that's good. Hopefully we can teach him a few principles before it turns into a jam session. ;)
Anywho... Life is good. The carpet is clean! (just cleaned it this morning- yuk) and... yeah.
I love you all!
Be well! Yes, I mean you.
Thank you for all your emails and letters and goodness.
Catch you latter!
-Elder barker

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