Thursday, September 9, 2010

August 30th --WHERE IS OUR CAR!??!!

Another week another adventure!
The week was an interesting one.
Monday we had a cool experience. We got a media referral telling us that there was a lady in the hospital with a life threatening case of tetanus and that she wanted us to come and give her a blessing. Ok. So we went over and checked in and went to her room and- She wasn't there. Yeah... So we asked the guy who was standing outside the door if he knew about her, and he didn't know her but he thought that she had been allowed to go home that day. ...ok... So we talked to him for a bit and it turns out that he had spoken with Elders in the past. I was like- whoa- This is not a coincidence, we are here for a reason and that reason is to talk to you. Unfortunately Some people can't see Divine intervention if it smacked them upside the head. But cool experience.
Tuesday was Tuesday. We had an appointment set with Joseph Leocadio But he was apparently sleeping during said appointment time.
Wed. We had a couple lessons with some great people. And I learned to play a couple chords on the ukulele. We went by Joesph's to reschedule (Man, i wish he'd get a phone already!) But he was- Sleeping! So we talked to his youngest son through the screen door and committed him to put on some pants before we came back, and he committed us to coming back. But things didn't turn out so well. After checking on a family that we've been trying to work with we went back to our car and- it wasn't there. Which is king of funny when you realize that I sometimes try to pull elder ortiz' leg by saying, "Where's our car?!" But this time it was for reals. So while we were looking under the rocks and behind the bushes for a sign of the thief this mean old lady with a wall eye and sharp nasty teeth pulls up and asks if we had a car on the premises and wheat we were doing there and was just really... rude. So I tried to be polite and ask if she knew where it had been towed and stuff and she wasn't helpful at all and then she went on to tell us that we were wasting our time and that we should be finishing school and that you can worship god at home and that she has zero respect for us and yadda yadda yadda. So I told her to have a nice day, and after some crazy finagling found where our car was and arranged for us to pick it up and long story even longer we picked it up but it cost us double because it was after hours. (Well, if you hadn't towed it at 6:22 it wouldn't have been after hours so who's really at fault here? You.) Oh well. All's well that ends better.
Thursday I went on exchanges with one of the elders in my district and it was so fun! we were on bike and we taught this one guy that we met after knocking the first door, and it was cool.
Friday, Ron (The Samoan Midget who is super cool) Got his mission call! So we went over and had a "Call-opening party!" He was called to billings Montana. Fun Fun!
Saturday is a special day, and we were actually able to teach Joseph Leocadio! yay! He's sooo cool. And he had just gotten a hair cut so the pony tail is gone and the cool short hair is in. Man. He's like a super sponge and everything we teach him he already has kind of a basic knowledge of it but when we teach it he's like, "Wow! i had never thought of it like that! Fasting isn't just a cleansing healthy thing to do- but it also allows your spirit to not be subject to your physical needs and helps you draw closer to God! I'm just blown away by this." So cool. And he likes James Taylor. Like I said, Super cool.
Sunday He came to Church and brought, Not one of his sons, not two of his sons- but ALL THREE OF HIS SONS! Sooooooo cool! They all loved it! So great! Man I just love teaching people who love to learn. Anyways, we had dinner with some members and tried to contact some people and yeah. It was a good day.
So that's my week. i hope you had fun reading about it.
Thanks for your emails and letters and love. I really appreciate it.
I hope everything is well with you.
I love you all so much.
Be well!
Catch you next time.
-Elder barker

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