Thursday, September 9, 2010

June 9- Sorry Sorry Sorry!

There was an earthquake! The flood gates broke! The sewer backed up and a sludge monster took over down town Garden Grove! I was stuck in traffic! the Freaking library was full and they wanted me to pay $45 to get a library card! WHAT! (yes that last one was true.)
So sorry about the radio silence. I bet you were thinking," ok, either he's dead, or he lost his Internet privileges because of selling his internal organs on ebay for outrageous prices" (Kidneys by the way are going for $50 a pop. any takers? eh? eh?)
But seriously, Things are fine here. We're fine, I'm fine we're all fine. How are you?
SO! Update! Monday was memorial day...
Tuesday! We taught Kaylee and then had an awesome meeting with Bishop About how we can work better at fulfilling the ward mission process, and all that fun stuff.
Wed. We did a bunch of crazy fun stuff. then later, because last Sunday Brother Schenck asked us to be a part of the youth's mutual thingy where some older members of the ward shared stories from their missions, we dressed up as really old missionaries (like 1850's) it was fun! We wore beards and had cool hats and there are pictures in the mail! It was so fun!
Thursday: We tried to work the spirit gum out of our side burns. Ouch. and we taught Kaylee more review about the plan of salvation, and the great conversation of the day was this:
-Hey! Watch out! My dog will get you. Didn't you see the sign?
(this is all in Spanish mind you)
-We don't see any dog.
-Yeah but he's right there, watch yourself! He'll kill you!
-Hm.... ok. Well in the meantime, can you tell us if Noel lives here?
-No one by that name lives here. Watch out!
-look Mame, we are servants of God. A little dog isn't going to hurt us because we are protected by God.
-Do you want me to get him?!
So she went to the end of her drive towards the back of the house and opened the gate to the back yard, and out trots this chocolate lab. HA ha. The dog was more scared of us that we ever would have be of it. Silly lady. Your Jedi mind tricks don't work on us! ;)
Friday: crazy planning for the week. and a Delicious Dinner at Kaylee's. They are so cool. Sister Francis made fried chicken and we had a party with a couple of Kaylee's friends from church.
Saturday: We had tried to arrange a tour of the family history center, but everyone fell through, humph... So it was a very long day.
Sunday was madness! We had a million meetings where we presented training and assignments to people and is was crazy hectic teaching 13 yr olds and surprise investigators showing up at odd times and sharing messages in other classes and it was a roaring good time!
And now you're caught up!
So transfers are this up coming Monday. :( I'm scared to hear what the transfer will be. I don't want to leave. I don't want Elder Saxton to leave. I think we should stay forever! so there! 'cause transfer calls are awfuller than all the awful things that ever were I don't want to go off don't want to move out or to ship off- Not ME. _not I -NOT ME! SO THERE!
Ok That's most of the fun and fancy free that's been flying around this part of town.
Thank you soooooooo Much for your cards, letters, emails, pictures, prayers, thoughts and all that jazz. I need it.
You are the bestest ever! and I love you all!
be well.
Catch you on the flip side laters!

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