Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jun 14- I've moved (but address is still the same).

So... Now I'm in South Coast! YAYAY!!!!!

And I'm In car again! YAYAYAYAY!

And I have a new companion, Elder Robertson! YAYAYAY!


SO, Let me up date you on some of the highlights of the week.

Monday We tried to be nice and help the other elders to have enough time to email and do that kind of stuff, but the library in our area was a mean bunch of money grubbing blaaa so... that didn't happen.

Tuesday was a long and tiring day. And It was so funny. I was reading Elder Ballard's book "Our search for happiness" and he was talking about how if you don't believe that the lord is with the missionaries just spend some time with them and see what they have to go through and how they can't go through that without the help of the the lord. And I thought to my self, "Well, It's not that bad." Oh-Oh-Oh... That was asking for it. So all day we had cancellations and everybody was not home and madness! So... that was Tuesday.

Wed was crazy and mom we had a sort of similar situation with a family for dinner on wed. So! They had signed up to feed us and we called on Sunday to put the time at 5:30 because we had a potential lesson at 6:30, and it was all good. and Tuesday night we figured we didn't have to double check, but when we showed up for dinner the mom was like, "What are you doing here?" So... we were like, "um You signed up for dinner" and so she whipped up some grilled cheese sandwiches. Ha ha. Ooops.

Thursday was good, but not too eventful.

Friday Kaylee passed her Baptismal interview! and we talked to her mom and she was like, "It's amazing ! I'm coming yo church, I want to be active, I see that Kaylee is having a good time . And just a few months ago I said, "Don't even try to convert me! Cause I won't!" You guys are amazing." Too nice, but it wasn't us doing the work. That was the spirit prompting her and that was her following the promptings.

Sat we worked all day and at night we got the transfer call, Elder Saxton is staying in Garden grove and training a greeny. and I am off to south coast. Sad But I'm ok with it.... now.

Sunday! KAYLEE GOT BAPTIZED! It was soo good and the young women sang and her family was there and her friends came too and a whole bunch of people were there to support her and it was great! and I accidentally dropped my camera and it now says lens error. Arrgh. Hopefully I can get that fixed. then we went over to Kaylee's and gave her a memory book with testimonies and congratulations from everyone who came and with pictures we printed off and it was so good to give it to her and I LOVE THAT FAMILY! they were so sweet saying that they want me to visit and write and I was in tears by the end of our visit. The spirit has worked in that home and now it is moving in the direction that Heavenly father wants them to be. SO COOL! It's amazing.

Hurrah for Israel!

Well. Thank you for your letters, emails, packages, cards, well wishes, prayers, vibes, and thoughts. I couldn't do this with out you.


Be well.

_elder Barker

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