Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jun 9- BAAAAHHH!!!

Happy Memorial day everybody!
so, because the libraries ere closed last Mon. I am writing a quick email today!
So sorry if it's abrupt but TIME TIME WHO'S GOT THE TIME!!??
Mon: We had a loverly Family home evening With Kaylee, and it was wonderful!
Tues: We had some miracles! We had been praying to find a bike for one of our less active youth so he could bike to seminary and LOW AND BEHOLD a friend of ours was moving back to Washington and He had to get rid of his bike! HALLELUJAH! and then we had a great meeting with Bishop!
Wed:The night of the screaming children! What was the problem eh? I don't get it. Every time we would be talking to someone their children would start screaming. No matter what we did and it would be at the worst THE worst moments. Right during the opening prayer, in the middle of a testimony or du4ring a scripture. Why?!
Thurs: Exchanges we crazy! I was in my area with a different elder. and My spelling has become horrid. Sorry. We had some great lessons and committed one of our less actives to follow the Word of Wisdom and give up the Coffee.
SAT: miracles with changing Kaylee's bap from the 20th to the 13th! YAYAYAYAYAY!
Sunday was Sunday.

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