Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hello!!! MAY 10th

Goodness gracious Great balls of fire!
What a great end of a pretty good week. It was soooooo goood to talk to you Mom and Dad. I think I can make it another 7 months.
So this week started out with a busy preparation day. we had lessons scattered throughout the day, and in the evening we had a lesson with a former investigator who half way through talking with us, turned pale, rushed inside and promptly threw up all over the floor. Thankfully it wasn't because of us that he threw up it was that he had eaten tooo many hot Cheetos.
then two days later when we came back for our follow-up appointment he was tripping out on vicadin or something. It was weird. he was like chattering his teeth and mumbling to himself and weird stuff. Just WEIRD. So... That was fun. And we got to be doctors for a minute or two, his mother was like, "Do his stitches look right to you?" and thankfully I know enough medical terms that I could flounder my way through a response that sounded educated, "Yes, but I think that 20 milligrams of morphine and a day of bed rest and preparations for a rectal ectomy and 50 cc's of hydrocloridoxid at 30 min intervals in an intravenous drip to avoid infection of the retinas would be good." Fun stuff.
We were able to meet with Kaylee everyday this week! WOOO HOO! so that was totally Awesome! She is so ready to be baptized, all we need to do is set a date! It's been great teaching her, because her grandma (Frances Francis) has been sitting in on our lessons and has really felt the spirit too, and it has changed he totally around. It's just great to see how the Gospel helps people to be better.
We did a bunch of organizing of our ancient records from like ten years ago. We put our potential investigators in areas so when we are over there we can check up on them and see what their stories are, and good stuff like that. but because we were preceded by a bunch of unorganized missionaries we spent quite a bit of time planning and fileing and My dreams have been full of those mundane things like counting rocks and sorting papers and stuff like that. THERE IS NO ESCAPE!
Anyways. The one conversation that was kind of funny, kind of strange, Besides the guy tripping out on his drugs, was this one guy who said, "So I know you guys volunteer for this- but what do you get out of it?" -The joy of service. "No, no. Not that. You know. Don't they like at least pay for you schooling or give you a high position or something?" -No... that wouldn't be volunteering anymore.
Elder Barker's Statment of the week: Little dog's need to be swept off the face of the earth. Or at least sedated.
And... that's all for this week.
Thank you all for your letters and emails and love and support! I wouldn't be able to make it with out you.
Be well.
Be happy!
-Elder Barker

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