Hello! Wow! I am totally loving being in this new area. IT"S ON FIRE!!!! 

Like we have so many wonderful people that we are working with, and it's so great to see how the gospel lights up some one's life. I LOVE THE GOSPEL SO MUCH!!! I'm glad that it's true.
Monday we taught a family about the plan of salvation. I don't have a code name for them yet... still thinking about it. And then in the evening we taught a woman who I will call Miss Moon. She is a cool lady. She's living with a member and they are busily arranging things for the wedding, so that she can get baptized. Silly people, living together is for married people. Anywho, she is super excited about the church and getting married and working towards temple marriage. Woot!
Tuesday we had a great day teaching recent converts who are so strong and bearing testimonies at Girl's camp and then in the evening we had a correlation with our ward mission leader. WOW! He's active! And happy about the work! What a difference!
Wed. We taught a crazy born again lady, and a guy who has an issue with baptism signifying being born again, and a lazy one-legged man watching Fivel Goes West, and an undeceive member who comes to church but feels uncomfortable asking God if it's true BECAUSE he knows that he'll get an answer and then he'\d have to change, and then we taught that one family who I don't have a name for BUT who are preparing to be baptized soon. Busy day.
Thursday we met with some great less actives and helped them overcome some concerns. And then we met with a family and taught about the Plan of Salvation. MAN I love teaching about the plan. Is there anything that brings more peace and security than knowing where we are going and where we came from and what in the heck in the world we are doing here? I submit that there is not!
Friday I ate Menudo! (It's that soup that every missionary is afraid of and tells wild stories of trying it and then being told what it was and then becoming violently ill.) It's cow stomach soup! AND IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOOD!!! I have to learn how to make it because it was scrumptious. The Mexican family were all looking at me and waiting for me to throw up but I was just enjoying every bite! Yum! and we also taught that one family a bit about faith.
Saturday we taught an old man in a cat/ant/parrot-infested apartment. Interesting experience. Smelly. We had dinner with a stubborn christian guy who goes to church with us and accepts Joseph Smith as a modern day prophet, BUT doesn't think that he needs to be baptized by proper authority. We also had a wonderful lesson with a family that is going to be baptized this upcoming week. Crazy part of the story is that when we arrived, they had visitors in their living room. It was the pastors from their previous church who were there trying to convince them to come back and to not listen to us. BUT the family knows what's what and told them that they have found a place where the fullness of the gospel is found. Wow. Then we had a great lesson about the ten commandments.
Sunday we had a boat load of people at church. It's so fun going to the same building as the other ward I served in. I get to see lots of people I know and they cool thing is that they remember me! YAY! after church we went by the one legged guy and talked to him about being baptized. He says that he can't give up coffee. Oy. Then in the evening we met with that fam that's going to get baptized... I'm going to call them West Pointers, cause the kids want to go to West Point. We taught the West Pointers a bit about prophets and temples. Great lesson. Great family. Great area!
I love you all. Hope things are going well.
Happy festivities back home. I hope the bugs aren't too fierce.
Love ya,
-Elder barker
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