Monday, March 28, 2011

Puddle Hopping!

This has been a wet week. The streets were so full of water that Elder Tinti and I were thinking of pulling out some innertubes and floating down the road. It was a riot having to hide behind traffic light boxes to avoid getting splashed and praying that the driver isn't anti-Mormon. "HA HA! TAKE THAT, MORMONS!" (OK that part didn't happen, but it would have been pretty funny if it did!)
Monday we were approached by this fellow on the street who was really annoying. "Una pregunta- una pregunta- una pregunta" Dude! you've already asked twelve preguntas and we aren't getting anywhere. All you want to do is prove how much you think you know and overlook the truth when it is plainly put before you. So--- have a nice day! After that we had some hot dogs. I can't remember if I've told you about the hot dogs before... They're to Die for! Wrapped in Bacon, with mayo mustard and ketchup on a toasted bun, tomatoes, sauteed onions and a grilled Jalapeno.... Wow.
Tuesday we met with Tweety. Poor guy. he keeps falling asleep during our meetings. Funny story (and I'm getting ahead of myself) on Saturday we met with him again and he was like, "OK! Give me one minute to sleep and I'll be OK-zzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzz... has it been a minute yet? no? zzzzzzz....... time? no? ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzzzzz "OK time" Yeah! See? Now I'm all rested and ready! Ah... much better." ha ha ha. Funny guy.
We taught the English class in the evening. It's so funny. They were learning how to say a prayer in English and this one guy (Who apparently is a famous luchador from Mexico [not because he could fight well but because he got beat up every time]) couldn't say "Heavenly Father" he'd say "Hebemi fadder" No no no... watch my mouth. Heh-ven leeee Faaah Thheeerrrr. Got it? OK say Heh "heh" now Ven "ven" Now Lee "Lee" Now father "father" OK Say heavenly father "Hebemi fadder" Slowly but surely... right?
Wed was the wet day where we had to hide from puddle splashes.
Thursday was district meeting. I always hope that my district can understand what I'm trying to convey. After that we went to Wendy's. Memo to me! Never get the fish sandwiches at Wendy's! I was thinking, "Ooo a fish sandwich! that'll be a taste from home! I simply must try it!" Wrong! It was horrid! they just don't know how to make fish right in the Pacific I guess. After that we met with tweety and helped him learn how to tie a tie. He was so excited to have ties to wear to church that would match his shirts and yadda yadda yadda- It's hard to teach tweety. When he isn't falling asleep he's gabbing your ear off.
Friday was Friday. One kid said something pretty interesting. I asked her, "Do you believe in God?" -Yes we do! We have two gods! One right there! (pointing at the statue of la virgin de guadalupe in the shrine surrounded with Christmas lights flashing on and off in the living room) and one in the back room!
Hmmm.... later we taught a family that has been kind of... I don't know... lazy in their progression. And it's like I want to show them all the great things that will come as a result of praying and reading in the scriptures, but they just... won't. So, we talked about the restoration of the gospel and the mom just was totally not paying attention. So I asked her what she was feeling or thinking, and she opened up and told us that she doesn't feel that she's received an answer from prayer and this and that. So we testified of the truthfulness of prayer and invited them to really come to church this Sunday. (And they Did!)
Saturday Was a crazy day. We tried to get tweety to a baptismal service in the morning, but he got lost and showed up late. So we planned on meeting up with him again later. Then the zone leaders called and said, "what are you doing right now?" -uh... getting out of the car to go talk to people.. why? "We need you to do a baptismal interview in 20 minutes! our investigators came to the baptismal service and they want to be baptized... today." Oh! OK. So I got to interview this sweet old couple and, man they were ready. Then we taught tweety and he fell asleep... so we told him to get some sleep and make it to the baptismal service that evening (he made it). i twas a wonderful service. It was funny because, i was sitting there and then they announced that i was conduction the music. Oh... OK! :D And then after the ordinance harped it was announced that we were to sing songs together, oh.. OK! :D So twenty minutes of conducting. Whew. It was a marathon.
Sunday was pretty cool. That family made it to church. Later in the evening we taught a couple lessons that went relatively well. It's hard to teach when their consumption of Alcohol is clouding the spirit.
And today!
I love you all so much!
have a great week!
-Elder Barker.

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