Monday, March 7, 2011

This week's episode of: MISSIONARY MAN!!!

What fun! This week was pretty great. The Spanish is coming along nicely. I understand a BUNCH but the whole Make a sentence that has the correct conjugations and the subjunctive tense and putting the emPHaSiS on the Correct SilAblE is still a challenge. BUT Life goes on and the perplexed look that says, "Que en el mundo?" on our investigators faces makes me laugh. So, things are good
Monday, Elder Tinti gave props to English speaking missionaries after we knocked a predominately English area. "What?... " "Not interested!" "JESUS DOESN"T LIVE HERE!" Those kinds of phrases don't usually come out in a Hispanic area. I guess the Spanish aren't quite as RUDE as English folks.
Tuesday, I lived up to Obispo Santos' wishes and knocked so many doors that my knuckles became bloody! Don't worry: the doors in Santa Ana are sanitary........I think. I got my shots.......right?
Wednesday, we went up these rickety old stairs to find somebody who had met with missionaries in the past, and Elder Tinti Broke though one of them! Don't worry, it was the second to the last step. Later we walked past the "Tent Church" which in my book is one of the greatest examples of Silliness I've seen. There is this run down tent where every other night, the services go on and on, and the singing is just awful and on Wed when we walked back, I guess somebody was speaking in "tongues." To me it sounded like, "Gla bla beega ble!" So I wasn't edified by it at all...

But the best part of it it the pastor's home next to this run down tent is all spiffy and nice and has new paint and good windows and all that stuff.... hmmmm, I wonder where the money goes from that congregation?
Thursday was district meeting, and my district seemed to understand what I said, so improvements are happening! Yay! I can talk in Spanish!
Friday was a lot of searching.
Saturday we taught a cool lady who said, "that just rings true! I've always known that God is our father and Jesus Christ in the Son of God!"
Sunday was testimony meeting and it was awesome! One hermano got up and started talking about how he was reading in the scriptures the other day where Aaron was blessing the Israelites outside the Tabernacle and he said, "And can you just imagine, Aaron dressed in his robes and wearing the ephod and raising his hands to bless the people and saying, 'AL AHEG LA BLEG A BLEE GLAAAP A BLEWW GAGA BA!" It was just like the tent church! Thankfully, Obispo Santos got up and said to him, "We don't understand what you are saying. We speak Spanish." YAY! Obispo saves the day! It was just too Hilarious.
And that was that.
Things are going great! I'm loving it! And I love you! Thanks for the letters, emails, cards, love, prayers, all that Jazz.
love you much!
be well.
-Elder Barker

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